Monthly report December 2021


General: coverage and weather
Weather high and lows – highest temperature was 9.1 degC (15th9, and lowest was -2.7 degC. Total precipitation was 71.6mm (norm 130.5mm). Wettest day was 15th with 12.6mm and windiest day was 8th with 21.2 m/s. Total number of species ended on 41 versus 55 the previous December.


Most notable record was an adult Rough-legged Buzzard on passage towards Karmøy seen from Jupevikshaugen on the 5th. Otherwise, Sparrowhawk were represented by singles between the 5th and 30th. The local Peregrine Falcons and one to two White-tailed Eagles daily were reported throughout the month.




A flyover Shelduck passed through Siradalen on the 8th and a Mallard was briefly in Søvevågen on the 6th. The six Pink-footed Geese from November were also seen on the 1st, while the Goldeneye and Red-breasted Merganser from November were reported throughout the whole month. A weak Water Rail was harassed by Hooded Crows and ended its days at Siratun on the 8th. A Lapwing was seen at various locations until the 10th. The first days of the month produced feeding Kittewake and Gannets at the west and out towards Nordvikvågen. The 5th produced up to 75 Kittiwakes and Great Skua off Pedleneset.


Not the most represented group of the month. The Jackdaw and Carrion Crows from November were still present throughout the month. The Rook pair were noted in the first two days of the month.




Otherwise little in the way of smaller passerines, with a maximum of 15 Blue Tit. A flock of 80 Fieldfare on the last day on the month.


rødvinge og gråtrost desmber 2021 HHE


No ringing activity during the month.


Year ticks:
The Rough-legged Buzzard on the 5th was the only new bird for the year. The total number of species on Utsira for 2021 ended on 211 versus 218 in 2020.


Rarities/local scarcities: