Monthly report June 2021
Coverage and weather: Highest temperature was 20.2 degC (2nd) and lowest was 8.1 degC (2nd). Total rainfall was 46.0mm. Most rainfall in one day was 17.1mm (18th). Highest wind speed was 14.9 m/s (16th) and highest middle wind was 21.0 m/s (15th). There were 99 different species registered during the month of June, compared to 95 species the year before. 45 of the species are probable breeders.
Generally a lower than normal showing on the raptor front, with a female Marsh Harriers on the 2nd, a Kestrel on the 3rd and one to two White-tailed Eagle until the 4th. Otherwise a few records of the local Peregrine Falcon.
Two Barnacle Geese passed at Aust on the 5th, and there were many Greylag Geese broods on the sea during the month. As in earlier years there were large flocks of mainly male Eider and Common Scoter west of Spannholmane with maximums of 280 (5th) and 40 (30th) respectively. Six Mute Swans flew over Nordvik on the 7th. A Quail was singing west of Nordvik on the 30th.
A Whimbrel present from May was seen until the 5th, a Ringed Plover was on Pedlestemmen on the 5th and a Knot was at Lausingen. There were no days with good conditions for seabird passage in June, with only a few Kittiwakes and Gannets from nearby colonies. Red-throated Diver was only noted with a single on the 14th. A juvenile Great Northern Diver passed the ferry the same day and then was noted in Sørevågen between the 15th and 19th.
The years seabird count on Spannholmane seabird reserve was carried out on the 5th June. There were still encouraging results for species dependent on tobis fish species and less so for Shag. The years count is publicized in Norwegian only on the councils website:
Up to four different Cuckoos were at different locations until the 5th. Red-backed Shrike were noted with a male on the 2nd, female on the 6th and a new female on the 9th.
Øystein had an epic first round in Merkeskogen with two Golden Oriole, a Paddyfield Warbler and a Marsh Warbler on the 5th.
Wood Warbler was scarce with only one record on the 2nd. A Greenish Warbler was in the area around Herberg on the 28th.
A Blyth’s Reed Warbler was singing in Herberg on the 3rd and then ringed the in Merkeskogen the same day, and then another was ringed there the next day. These two paired up and were stationary in Herberg from the 8th until the end of the month.
A Marsh Warbler was singing at Dahmsgård on the 1st and others singing at various locations with a maximum of four birds on the 4th and 5th. Icterine Warbler were noted with a maximum of 10 on the 2nd and Grasshopper Warblers with singles on the 2nd and 4th.
A pair of Redwing were at Kutre and were noted carrying food to young during the month. A Thrush Nightingale was singing in Varen on the 2nd. A Yellow Wagtail was at Rabbajordet on the 3rd, a Hawfinch flying over on the 2nd and ringed in Merkeskogen on the 5th and Twite with singles at Pedlestemmen on the 8th and Koltemyr on the 13th. Common Crossbill were noted in small flocks with a maximum of 50 on the 5th, Goldfinch with singles on the 2nd and a female Ortolan Bunting at Pedlestemmen between the 2nd and 4th.
A total of 143 birds of 25 different species were ringed during four days of ringing in Merkeskogen during the month. The best day was the 2nd with 52 birds of which Garden Warbler (16), Chiffchaff (8) and Blackcap (6) were the most numerous.
A Paddyfield Warbler, two Golden Oriole, two Blyth’s Reed Warbler and five Marsh Warblers were the most notable ringing records. A tristis Chiffchaff was ringed on the 12th. Last year resulted in 171 birds of 30 species being ringer during eight days of ringing.
Year ticks:
Seven new year ticks: Marsh Warbler (1st). Thrush Nightingale (2nd), Blyth’s Reed Warbler (3rd), Paddyfield Warbler (5th), Quail (13th) and Greenish Warbler (28th).
Rarities/local scarcities:
Ninth record of Paddyfield Warbler, the last in June 2020.
34th record of Greenish Warbler, the last in August 2020.