Monthly report November 2021
General: coverage and weather
Highest temperature was 12.1 degC (1st), and lowest was -1.3 degC (29th). Total precipitation was 154.6mm. Most precipitation in one day was 21.5mm (5th). Highest wind speed was 27.9 m/s and 37.1 m/s gust (30th). Total number of species ended on 92 compared to 75 the previous year.
To late female Hen Harriers were noted on the 3rd with another female between the 12th and 14th. A juvenile Goshawk was reported on the 14th. Otherwise, the standard raptor species were present with one to four Sparrowhawk daily through the month, and a maximum of 15 on the 3rd. There one to three White-tailed eagles and reports of the local Peregrine falcons throughout the month.
Again, a poor showing of geese in what is usually a good month for this group. Totally there were two Greylag on the 6th, and ten on the 14th as well as six Pink-footed Geese on the two last days of the month. Also few reports of ducks with six Wigeon on Pedlestemmen on the 3rd and a few singles of Mallard and Teal during the month. Water Rail were noted with one to two birds almost daily, mainly in Merkeskogen, but also singles at other localities.
A Grey Plover passed SE on the 4th and there were single Jack Snipe on the 2nd and 14th. Otherwise the expected waders in November, with a maximum of 15 Woodcock on the 2nd, and one to two the rest of the month. There were a few Kittiwakes feeding with a maximum of 240 on the 2nd, otherwise few auks or seabird passage. Three Little Auk passed on the 7th and a bird was grounded at Siratun on the 14th. Other auks included Guillemot and Razorbill with more more than five birds specifically identified to each species and 50 auk sp. on the 4th. A Great Northern Diver passed SW on the 14th.
A Long-eared Owl in Merkeskogen on the 2nd while single Short-eared Owls were at various localities on the 1st and 14th. A new Great-spotted Woodpecker was at Hovland on the 2nd, 6th and 13th/14th. Two Jackdaw kept each other company until the 14th, with one until the end of the month. A Rook was also reported throughout the month, with Carrion Crows numbering one to three daily. A Waxwing paid a brief visit to the island on the 6th.
A Dusky Warbler was ringed on the 3rd in Merkeskogen and was again noted on the 8th.
Also on the 3rd a Olive-backed Pipit was taken by a predator in the nets Merkeskogen. A late Willow Warbler was at various location in the south between the 1st and 14th while there were a few Chiffchaffs well into the month, with a maximum of 20 on the 4th. A few of these showed characteristics of tristis. A Firecrest was trapped on the 8th, while up to four Lesser Whitethroat were noted on the 4th.
A Treecreeper was trapped and ringed on the 4th and then seen again in Merkeskogen on the 12th. Ring Ouzel were noted with singles until the 4th and two on the 2nd. Mistle Thrush were also noted with two on the 2nd. Otherwise there were moderate numbers of thrushes in normally a good month for these species, where Blackbird and Redwing were reported with maximums of 400 and 600 respectively on the 2nd. The maximum of Fieldfare was 150 on the 7th.
A female Black Redstart was at by the barn at Austrheim between the 2nd and 7th.
The Isabelline Wheatear from October was still at Austrheim until the 7th.
Small finch flocks were still present towards the end of the month. Single Pine Grosbeaks were noted on the 4th and 17th. Singles of Bullfinch and Lapland Bunting were noted on the 2nd. Snow Bunting were noted daily with up to 11 on the 14th. A Yellowhammer paid a brief visit to Sørevågen on the 4th. Little Buntings were at Aust on the 2nd and 5th.
A total of 260 birds were ringed during the month of 19 different species during 9 days of ringing in Merkeskogen. Best day was the 2nd when 74 birds ringed, of which Blackbird (23), Brambling (18) and Blackcap (9) were the most numerous.
The months ringing is higher than the previous year when 65 birds of 12 species were ringed during one day. Isabelline Wheatear, Dusky Warbler and a Firecrest were the most notable species ringed.
Year ticks:
November resulted in three new birds for the year: Dusky Warbler (3rd), Pine Grosbeak (4th) and Waxwing (6th).
Rarities/local scarcities:
20th record of Dusky Warbler, last in October 2019.
Pine Grosbeak. Less than 10 records outside the invasion years in 2010 and 2012.