Monthly report February 2022


General: coverage and weather
February was an extension of January with strong with only one day below 12m/s. Highest temperature was 7.4 degC (4th) and lowest -0.7 degC (11th). Total precipitation during the month was 140mm, were 12.22mm was the maximum in one day (20th). Highest average wind and gust were 22.3 m-/s and 32.0 m/s respectively (1st). On the 20th there came 4cm of snow. Total number of species ended on 45 versus 56 the year before.


Few raptors, with White-tailed eagle noted daily with one to two birds during the month, as well as the local Peregrine Falcon with various reports throughout.


Largely devoid of both seabirds and observers in the month. Three to seven Greylag Geese throughout the month, and 17 birds on the 28th was maybe a sign of spring? The years first Oystercatcher arrived at Tuevågen on the 2nd, followed by one to three at various other localities. A Curlew was at Satarabaje and aust throughout the month. Otherwise little in the way of passage seabirds. A Little Auk and two Razorbills on the 13th


storsove og tjeld februar 2022 web


Two Carrion Crows were stationary through the month, only one remaining from the 27th till the end of the month. Two Rooks arrived on the 17th and these were joined by another on the 27th for the rest of the month. Starling were scarce with six to eight birds until the 13th and then increasing to over 20 birds to the end of the month. A Mistle Thrush was at Hovland on the 7th. Fieldfares were noted with between six and 50 birds, while Redwing were represented with a more less stationary flock of four birds in Austre Nordvik. A Reed Bunting at Hålandsmarke on the 21st and an adult male Stonechat at Beite on the 28th were the only passerines of note during the month.


kornkråke februar 2022 web


No ringing activity during the month.


Year ticks:
Eight new birds for the year: Oystercatcher and Common Scoter (2nd), Mallard (11th), Mistle Thrush and Rook (17th), Reed Bunting and Skylark (21st) and Stonechat (28th).


Rarities/local scarcities: