The month opened with a Red-breasted Merganser in the northern harbour, while in the northern fields a European Golden Plover joined a Northern Lapwing. Late occurrences were represented by Common Linnet on the 1st and Barn Swallow on the 2nd.
A Woodlark flew over the north on the 3rd, on the same day as an Olive-backed Pipit (probably the same as the one seen in late October) showed well mid-isle.
Otherwise Mistle Thrush, Black Redstart, Grey Wagtail, European Goldfinch and Hawfinch the first days of November.
There were several days with Pine Grosbeaks in the beginning of the month with a max of some 50 birds between the northern plantations on the 4th. Long-tailed Tits also appeared on the 4th with nine birds.
The most surprising bird, however, was a Common Rosefinch found trapped in Herberg, one of few November records for Utsira.
A Water Rail in the net on the 5th.
From the 7th several Common Scoters appeared in the harbours, places where they found shelter. One also turned up at the lake, where it is exceedingly rare, and where it nearly ended its life when two White-tailed Eagles were trying to catch it.
On the 10th, apart from small parties of Little Auks, Velvet Scoter and Black-throated Loon also migrated in the east. In the southern harbour a Eurasian Wigeon stood on the beach.
Snow Bunting is a rare capture most places, and it was indeed a new species for Utsira RG in November.
On the 21st a Common Moorhen was seen on the water in the inner part of the northern harbour, just like in the spring.
A Black Redstart was showing in the east on the 24th. Trudging the fields resulted in eight Common Snipes and one Jack Snipe. The next day the same or a different Woodlark appeared.
Monthly max for Lapwing was 11 birds on the 25th, and for Eurasian Woodcock six on the 24th. Four Northern Goshawks have circulated.
A Great Spotted Woodpecker is standby and up to 80 Bohemian Waxwings have been roaming. Three Red-throated and two Great Northern Loons were in the east on the 26th.
With so few birds to report, here comes an update of the Utsira list. Since last time around the BOURC have among other things given specific status to the different forms of Cory´s Shearwater. This does not, however, have an impact on Utsira although it will slightly disturb the Norwegian list.
Instead there are changes to the sequence of certain species groups (shorebirds, skuas, gulls, terns and auks) and also a couple of changes to scientific names (Buff-breasted Sandpiper and Ruff). Recent decisions by the Norwegian rare birds committee, with an upgrade of the number of accepted species, are also implemented. See updated list in the menu as usual.
Below a gallery of some of the birds trapped during November: