Summary from, ringing data, and other written sources for July month on Utsira.
General: coverage and weather:
North west winds, dry and warm temperatures dominated the start of July. Light winds towards the end of the month and extended spells of fine weather with above average temperatures and below average precipitation. The fine weather and wind direction resulted in little coverage. Weatherwise July 2013 was the driest since 1987. A total of 69 species were noted in July.
July, as with June is not a month known for raptors. Reports came from the local Peregrine Falcons, and the young Goshawk from previously until the 19th.
High pressure system with light winds produced light seabird movement. There was little coverage in addition to the few days of sea passage. Three visits to Spannholmane from the 24th to 27th produced good results with following maximums: 2 Ruff and 25 Turnstone (24th), 28 Sanderling, 9 Knot, 3 Ringed Plover and 1 Dunlin (25th) and a large flock of around 1000 molting Eider, 200 Common Scoter and 20 Puffin (27th).
Passerines and others:
Common Crossbill invasion continued into July with a maximum of 70 on the 23rd and further Two-barred Crossbill, a male, from the 20th. One to two Two-barred Crossbills have been sighted after this period on a daily basis. An Icterine Warbler on the 21st and a re-trap of Marsh Warbler ringed on the 23rd June were the most noteworthy passerines. Regular reports of young Cuckoo along with good representation in May and June can indicate breeding this year.
Normally ringing in summer consists of ringing of young around the island. July is the beginning of the Storm Petrel ringing project and the years first attempt was at Nykaien on the 23rd. Start of more regular ringing at Merkeskogen also began on this day. Only 15 days of ringing this month. Total of 85 individuals of 19 species ringed. The best day was the 23rd with 28 individuals where Lesser Redpoll (19) and Storm Petrel (5) were the most important species. The most notable record came in the form of Marsh Warbler control from June.
New year species:
Seven new species for the year were noted in July: Two-barred Crossbill (20th), Storm Petrel (23rd), Turnstone, Ruff and Sanderliner (24th), Knot (25th) and Leach’s Storm Petrel (31st).
National and local rarities:
The first record of Icterine Warbler for July with an individual on the 21st and the first ringed Leach’s Storm Petrel since 2010 on the months last day.
Here another photo of the Leach’s Storm Petrel: