Whooper Swan (Photo: Isak Grimsby)General: coverage and weather:
From a windy and dry period to a more damp period. Average temperature of 4.4degC for the month, 2.7degC over the normal. Highest temperature was 7.7degC on the 25th, and lowest -0degC on the 20th. Total rainfall of 129.1 mm.

The most rainfall in one day was 18.8mm on the 13th.  The highest recorded wind was 23.8 m/s on the 15th. 48 different species were recorded in February compared to 44 the previous year.

Only one sighting of Goshawk on the 3rd, with a Sparrowhawk on the 16th. Daily  observations of White-tailed Eagle with up to 3 on the 1st and regular sightings of the resident Peregrine Falcons.

Seabirds and waders (shorebirds):
As with January this month was dominated by seabirds. 26 of the 48 registered species were either seabirds or shorebirds. The geese from January were present at Pedlestemmen throughout the month. 16-17 Greylags began pairing off from the 20th and the 3 Pink-footed Geese were resident throughout the month. The three White-fronted Geese and the 12 Bean Geese were present until the 12th.

The two stationary Little Grebes from October were also present in Nordvikvågen throughout the month. The four Wigeons from January reduced to three and were present until the 16th. Most notable records were a young Goosander in Nordvikvågen, a passage Purple Sandpiper on the 1st and two Whooper Swans in Måkskittmyre from the 6th to 16th. Otherwise there were no notable passage of seabirds in the month.

Most notable record was of a Long-eared Owl seen in the area around Siratun in the morning of the 4th. An early Pied Wagtail arrived on the 25th, otherwise no notable movements of passerines in the month.

No ringing activity in February.

Year ticks:
Seven new species for the year: Goosander and Purple Sandpiper on the 1st, Goshawk on the 3rd, Long-eared Owl on the 4th, Woodpigeon and Whooper Swan on the 6th and a Pied Wagtail on the 25th.

Local and national rarities:
Only the 7th winter record of Long-eared Owl was of note in February.

Long-tailed Duck (Photo: Isak Grimsby)