General: coverage and weather:
Average temperature of 5.2degC for the month, 2.6degC over the normal. Highest temperature was 12.5degC on the 29th, and lowest 1.5degC on the 23rd. Total rainfall of 135.5mm.The most rainfall in one day was 26.9mm on the 7th. The highest recorded wind was 24.8 m/s on the 15th.
67 different species were recorded in March compared to 61 in the same month the previous year.
The Goshawk from the previous month was also registered on the 1st to 3rd March. Otherwise sightings of the local Peregrines and up to 4 White-tailed Eagles, one pair of which are stationary.
Seabirds and waders (shorebirds):
The large goose flock increased in March to 64 individuals on the 23rd and more signs of pairing from the middle of the month. The three Pink-footed Geese from January were present throughout and a new Brent Goose (bernicla) was present from the 23rd to 25th.
The two Little Grebe in Nordvikvågen were present until the 17th, with one there until the 22nd. A Wigeon was sighted on the 30th. The first Oystercatchers arrived on the 2nd, quickly increasing to double figures and birds pairing. Lesser-backed Backed Gull was first recorded with a flock of 8 on the 22nd and there were only singles of Lapwing on the 10th and 22nd. Fulmar were absent from their usual breeding sites so far. Despite numerous days with strong winds from various directions there were no days of notable seabird passage.
Stonechat was well represented during the month between 3rd and 24th; 2 young and an adult male in Austre Nordvik (3rd and 4th), 2 on the 9th, a male and later a pair by Jupvikshaugen on the 10th and 11th, a male ringed on the 15th and a pair in Veito on the 24th. Black Redstart were noted on the 29th to 31st with a male and a female.
Mistle Thrush were registered between the 10th and 31st, with a maximum of 12 on the 30th. Hawfinch were recorded with up to 3 at various locations between the 25th and 31st. The Blackbird passage was short in duration, between the 11th and 25th with a maximum of 300 on the 19th. A Great Grey Shrike was noted at Jupevikshaugen on the 29th.
With exception of the first half of the month and the peak of Blackbirds in he first half of the month there was good ringing coverage with 13 days of ringing.
A total of 446 birds were ringed of 22 species .The most productive day was the 29th when 139 individuals were ringed of which Robin (80), Dunnock (31), Chiffchaff (7) were the most prominent. Most notable ringing record was of a Stonechat, a Black Redstart, two Hawfinch and two Bullfinch. This years ringing exceeded the previous year which numbered 361 individuals of 12 species in 13 days of ringing.
Year ticks:
March resulted in 22 new year species in the form of:
Chiffchaff (1st), Oystercatcher (2nd), Stonechat (3rd), Mistle Thrush (10th), Linnet and Dunnock (11th), Yellowhammer and Rook (13th), Curlew (17th), Lesser Black-backed Gull and Brent Goose (22nd), Reed Bunting (24th), Hawfinch, Bullfinch and Wheatear (25th), Jackdaw and Golden Plover (26th), Great Grey Shrike, Coal Tit and Ring Ouzel (29th) and Siskin (30th).
Local and national rarities:
First March record of Great Grey Shrike, otherwise no unusual records.