General: coverage and weather:
The best November in a while and significantly milder than normal. Average temperature was 8.6 degC, 2.6 degC over the normal. Max. temperature was13.8 degC on the 1st and the lowest 4.8 degC on the 29th. Total rainfall was 150.3mm. The wettest day was the 10th with 36.8mm. Max. wind speed was 21.5 m/s on the 7th. Bjørn Ove Høyland put in some good work and observations until the middle of the month. 91 species were recorded in the month compared to 73 in 2013.
Six raptor species in the month is a good total. A female type Hen Harrier was recorded on the 6th and between the 22nd to 24th. A Rough-legged Buzzard and a Goshawk on the 2nd and 15th respectively. Sparrowhawk were recorded daily with between one and four individuals, plus the local Peregrine Falcons and White-tailed Eagle adult and immature.
An indication of good geese numbers occured in October. The Pink-footed Goose flock reduced to 11 on the 2nd and present to the months end. The 5 Brent Geese from the previous month at Austerheim reduced to 2 by the 17th. Two Bean Geese arrived on the 13th and increased to 3 on the 20th till months end. A Barnacle Goose was also present on the 12th to 14th. Six White-fronted Geese arrived on the 13th and were also present to the months end. The Greylag Geese flock numbered 20 in November.
The single Little Grebe from October was joined by a second on the 8th. A Mute Swan passed through on the 13th and 4 Whooper Swans were present at Måkskittmyr from the 18th to 24th. The best seabird passage day was the 5th with 1 Great Northern Diver and 3 Red-throated Divers. The best day for Kittewake was the 7th with 12 individuals.
Only a single Little Auk in Nordvikvågen gives and indication of the seabird passage and auk numbers in the month. 2014 has been a good year for Pomarine Skua and this continued with singles on the 2nd and 3rd.
A first year Glaucous Gull was present on the 5th followed by an 2nd year bird on the 28th. Two Jack Snipe on the 5th, single Water Rail on the 5th, 12th and 17th and a Red-breasted Merganser on the 1st are also of note.
A Pallid Swift on the 3rd was the months star bird. The swift was first observed by the lighthouse and then refound at Pedlestemmen where it was more stable.
Two swift species were seen together the same day without being positively identified. A new Swift was reported from Varen on the 8th.
The Dusky Warbler from October was again in Veito until the 5th. A Long-eared Owl found by locals on the 6th with another bird in Nordvik for a couple of days. One or two female Black Redstart were present between the 1st and 24th.
Tit flocks from October produced a high species count with 7 Long-tailed on the 3rd, nearly daily Coal Tit and single Treecreeper on the 11th and 16th. Other than the previously mentioned Swifts a Swallow on the 15th, Reed Bunting on the 27th and an extremely late Bluethroat on the 29th indicates the mild conditions.
Jackdaw and Tree Sparrow have also sustained good numbers in Utsira terms. Jackdaw were recorded with a maximum of 25 on the 13th and Tree Sparrow with 7 on the 10th with 5 and 3 Tree Sparrow holding out the whole of the month.
Only 9 days of ringing in November. A total of 153 birds were ringed of 16 species. Best day was the 4th when 87 individuals were ringed of which Blackbird (30), Goldcrest (27) and Redwing (14) were the most numerous. Most notable species were Dusky Warbler, 2 Bullfinch and a Starling.
The months total is well below the previous year when in 16 days of ringing 1008 birds of 28 species were ringed.
Year ticks:
Pallid Swift on the 3rd and Glaucous Gull on the 6th were the only two new species for the year.
Rarities/Local rarities:
Second record of Pallid Swift (the first in June 1995), Dusky Warbler from October was the 12th for Utsira, and the latest ever Bluethroat in Norway.
Here follows some more photos from the period:
Øystein Nilsen shows the Dusky Warbler when ringed: