Monthly report February 2015
General: coverage and weather:
February, the most thankful monthly report to write with little movement of birds and few species. Average temperature was 4.1 degC, 2.4 degC over normal. Highest temperature was 7.0 degC (18th) and lowest -0.5 degC (5th). Total precipitation was 145.7mm. Most precipitation in one day was 28.1mm (27th). Highest recorded wind speed was 25.5m/s (26th). Total recorded species for February ended on 47, compared to 48 in the previous year.
Same species and numbers as reported as in January with records of White-tailed Eagle (up to two), a Sparrowhawk (4th – 25th) and a Peregrine Falcon.
As in January shorebirds contribute most to the total species for the month. Of the 47 species in January 25 species fall into this category. 14 Pinkfeet and 12 Greylags were those from the previous month. The two Little Grebes in Nordvikvågen, first reported in October were ever present. The biggest find of the month and mega blocker for February was a male Pochard in Nordvikvågen on the 22nd and 23rd. Three reports of Oystercatcher between the 7th and 21st and a few flocks of Lapwings between 17th and 26th of which 14 on the 17th and 7 on the 18th were the highest numbers. A Puffin on the 6th and three Fulmar inspecting breeding sites on the 15th are also worth a mention. Otherwise there were no days with any noticeable seabird passage.
The four Jackdaw, four Rook and two Carrion Crow from January reduced to two Jackdaws on the 10th whilst Rook disappeared from the 14th, and the Carrion Crow held out with two. One or more individuals of Mistle Thrush were reported between the 13th and 17th. 13 Skylark were reported on the 18th, otherwise singles between the 14th and 24th. The four Tree Sparrows which had overwintered at Skare continued their presence through February to end up on the island list for this month. Other feeding stations held up to 25 Great Tit, 5 Blue Tit, a Coal Tit, a Greenfinch and up to 15 Chaffinch. The last day of the month produced a flock of 25 Starling.
No ringing activity in the month.
Year ticks:
Seven new species for the month: Puffin (6th), Mistle Thrush (13th), Greenfinch and Skylark (14th), Fulmar (15th) and Pochard (22nd).
National and local rairities:
Ninth record of Pochard, last recorded in November 2011, and first record of Tree Sparrow in February.