Monthly report August 2020
General: coverage and weather
Highest temperature was 24.6 degC (18th), and lowest 10.7 degC (24th). Total rainfall was 104.7mm. Most rainfall in one day was 23.4mm (22nd). Highest wind speed was 17.2 m/s (21st). A record low 71 different species were recorded during the month versus a similar low of 74 in August 2019.
Six different species during August is about par in a good normal raptor month. The 18th was the best day with three Marsh Harriers and a young Gyrfalcon. Sparrowhawk were recorded from the 20th, Kestrel with an early bird in Herberg on the 2nd, and further records later in the month. White-tailed Eagle was reported with a single from the 29th until the end of the month. Otherwise there were reports of the local Peregrine Falcons.
There were no good days with seabird passage and no decent wader reports from Spannholmane during the month, however there was a decent passage of waders similar to July. A resting Little stint on the 23rd and stationary Ruff between the 21st and 23rd on Pedlestemmen, as well as four Knot outside Beiningen are worth a mention.
As well as last year, this year there were very few passerines during the month. Most notable was a Greenish Warbler in Herberg on the 23rd. A Hawfinch visited a feeding station in Hovland between the 14th and 16th. A female Red-backed Shrike paid a brief to Varen on the 16th. Cuckoo and Marsh Warbler were potential breeders on Utsira with records of juvenile birds during the month.
Fourteen Storm Petrel’s were ringed during five nights of ringing on Pedleneset, while there were four days of ringing in Merkeskogen with 59 birds ringed of 14 different species. Best day was the 6th when 28 birds were ringed of which Goldcrest (12), Lesser Redpoll (4) and Marsh Warbler (3) were the most numerous species. Most notable ringing records were of a Common Sandpiper and three Marsh Warblers. There was no ringing in August last year.
Year ticks:
There were two new birds for the year: Gyrfalcon (18th) and Ruff (21st).
Rarities/local scarcities:
34th record of Greenish Warbler, the last in June 2020.
The inner part of ringing area: