Monthly report July 2020
General: coverage and weather
Highest temperature was 16.9 degC (24th), and lowest was 8.9 degC (7th). Total rainfall was 118.1mm. Most rainfall in one day was 26.5mm (27th). Strongest wind speed measured was 24.9m/s (28th). There was a total of 61 species recorded, which is close the previous years total of 57 for the same month. There is some under reporting since 11 species were not reported in AO.
July is not a special month for raptors on Utsira. A Kestrel on the 23rd and reports of the local Peregrine Falcon were the only reports.
The end of July is normally good for seabird passage, but there were few days with the right winds for seabird passage and low coverage during this period. Three early Manx Shearwater passed west from Pedleneset on the 3rd. Also 10 Great Skua the same place on the 26th. Håkon made a few trips out to Spannholmane and Lausingen during good wader conditions, with most of the calidris species reported in low numbers. A maximum of 37 Turnstone and 8 Sanderling were there on the 23rd and a Little Stint on Lausingen the same day. Auk numbers were still high towards the end of the month. Puffins were recorded with maximum of 85 on the 23rd and Guillemot with a maximum of 80 on the 15th. A Bar-tailed Godwit passing south over Tuevågen on the 17th is also worth a mention.
An adult Turtle Dove was around Kutre and Herberg on the 6th and 7th, while a Marsh Warbler was singing in Herberg on the 4th and 5th. The Great Tit pair successfully fledged young in Herberg this year as well. To Rosy Starlings were noted during the month, an adult briefly in Grotlehagen on the evening of the 5th and an adult present in the Klovning-Hovland area between the 22nd and 30th.
Truls and Øystein took the initiative for this year’s petrel ringing at Pedleneset on the last two days of the month with one and five Storm Petrels caught in the nets on these respective days.
Year ticks:
Five new species for the year: Rosy Starling (5th), Sanderling (15th), Bar-tailed Godwit (17th), Little Stint (23rd) and Storm Petrel (30th).
30th and 31st records of Rosy Starling, the last in August 2018.
Petrel ringing site (Photo: Truls W Andersen):
A second adult Rosy Starling at the end of the month (Photo: Håkon Heggland):