Monthly report March 2020
General: coverage and weather
Temperatures varied between 7.5 degC (31st) and down to a low of 1.0 degC (29th). Most rainfall in one day was 26.3mm (8th). Highest wind speed was 28.7mm. Total number of species in March ended on 58 versus 65 the previous year. During Geir Mobakken’s own bird race on the 27th there were 51 species recorded during the day. The bird race also resulted in Mobakken’s 300th self-found bird. National Corona measures from the 12th resulted in less coverage in the field.
Few species and numbers; only the local Peregrine Falcons and almost daily one to four White-tailed Eagles were reported.
Apart for overwintering shorebirds there was little movement before the end of the month. A new Gadwall turned up in a pool on Pedlestemmen on the 26th, and was seen the following day together with a Wigeon and a Teal. A female Goldeneye was on Måkskittmyr between the 27h and 30th.
Greylag Goose numbers built up during the month with a total of more than 50 birds. Common Gull on fields and breeding locations were up to 25 by the 25th, Lesser Black-backed Gull being more widespread and less prominent.
The month started with a Stonechat bonanza. Three Stonechat were in Nordvik and four together at Austre plantation on the 2nd, and then almost daily with one to two birds throughout the month. The 16th was the best day when eight birds were noted. A Black Redstart was noted on the 18th while a Woodlark was at the dump.
Numbers of Columba doves have been well reported. A pair of Stock Doves in Skjeldehagen from February were also present on the 1st March and new birds were reported with singles at Klovning (15th) and Koltemyr (30th). Woodpigeon were well represented with good numbers between the 11th and 28th, with a maximum of 57 on the 15th. 15 Jackdaw arrived at Austrheim on the 27th with eight still present at the end of the month while four Rook arriving on the 26th reduced to two on the 28th until the end of the month.
This years second Firecrest was found at the dump on the 27th and re-found there on the 31st.
No ringing activity in Merkeskogen during the month.
Year ticks:
There were a minimum 14 new species for the year during March. Poor recording in meant that the data for first arrivals of some species are not correct: Stonechat (2nd), White Wagtail (10th), Chiffchaff (17th), Mistle Thrush (23rd), Rook, Black-headed Gull, Lesser-black Backed Gull and Redshank (26th), Teal, Wigeon, Goldeneye, Jackdaw and Blackcap (27th) and finally Grey Wagtail (28th).
Rarities/local scacities:
15th record of Gadwall, the last in January 2020
20th record of Firecrest, the last in February 2020