Monthly report November 2022

General: coverage and weather
Highest temperature was 13.7 degC (1st), and lowest was 0.5 degC (21st). Total rainfall was 108.4mm. Most rainfall in one day was 18.1mm (28th). Strongest wind speed was 21.3 m/s and 30.0 m/s gust (16th). Total number of species reached 97 versus 92 the previous year.

A total of nine different raptor species during the month with good quality amongst these, for example the Black Kite Øystein and Arve found over Merkeskogen on the 14th. The bird held on until the 18th, while a young Golden Eagle was reported by Truls over Nore Merkeskogen on the 20th. A Rough-legged Buzzard was present on the 13th and 14th, and a Buzzard paid a brief visit on the 2nd. Sparrowhawks were note din double figures almost daily until the 14th with a maximum of 15 on the 5th, with a single on the 25th and two on the 26th. A Hen Harrier toured the island on the 14th and 15th. One to two White-tailed Eagles and the local Peregrine Falcons were also reported during the month.

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Black Kite (Photo: Atle Grimsby)


15 to 17 Greylag Geese were present until the 5th and reduced to five by the 18th and two towards the end of the month, mainly on Pedlestemmen. 15 Pink-footed Geese paid a brief visit on the 16th at the same location. The seven albifons White-fronted Geese from October were also on Pedlestemmen until the 2nd. November resulted in a good showing for Whooper Swan with 18 on the 16th a maximum of 22 on Måkeskittmyr on the 19th reducing thereafter with five being noted on the 26th. Wigeon were reported with singles on the 11th and 18th and Goldeneye with three birds on Måkskittmyr on the 17th and 18th.

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Whooper Swan (Photo: Håkon Heggland)


Water Rail were reported with singles on the 6th, 12th and 18th at various locations. A late Oystercatcher was on Lausingen and Spannholmane on the 12th. There was a small influx of Lapwing with 11 and 12 on the 15th and 16th respectively and later three to five until the 27th. A single Golden Plover was noted between the 17th and 20th and a single Curlew on the 12th and 13th, with two on Spannholmane and Lausingen on the 12th and a single there on the 25th. Purple Sandpiper numbered 25 on Lausingen and four on Spannholmane on the 12th. Woodcock was noted daily in modest numbers and a new autumn record of 39 on the 13th. Jack Snipe were reported with three on the 20th, two on the 21st, four on the 27th and a single on the 29th. Snipe were also well represented with a total of 50 birds counted with thermal optics on the 27th. Four late Redshank were on Spannholmane on the 12th.

There wasn’t much in the way of seabird passage during the month. Kittiwake were with 110 on the 20th and 400 on the 26th. Guillemot, Razorbill and Little Auk were only noted in low numbers and little passage. A young Little Gull was found in Sørevågen by Arne on the 16th. A Red-throated Diver was on passage on the 12th. More unusual was a Black-throated Diver in the inner harbor in Nordvikvågen on the 16th and a Sooty Shearwater feeding just outside Nordvikvågen on the 12th.

The months standout bird was without doubt the Pallid Swift that was seen on both the 1st and 2nd, mainly around the west of Nordvik. First found by Martin Sande under challenging conditions, later documented under better conditions on its second day.

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Pallid Swift (Photo: Atle Grimsby)


Single Short-eared Owls were noted on the 17th and 21st. Great Spotted Woodpecker were represented with one to five birds throughout, low numbers towards the end of the month. The seven Jackdaw from October were stable at Austrheim until the 13th with one to three still towards the end of the month. An adult Rook was present between the 26th and 30th. Four Carrion Crows from October were present until the 11th, with one to three till the end of the month. There was an influx of Waxwing with 41 on the 12th, 20 on the 13th and two on the 14th.

A Coal Tit was at Varen on the 6th, five on the 12th and singles on the 14th and 17th. There were still a few Blue Tit and Great Tit from October. Shorelarks were noted with singles on the 5th and 6th and a single on the 12th. A Hume’s Warbler was found by Truls, ringed in Merkeskogen on the 5th. A Willow Warbler was ringed there on the late date of the 15th. Treecreeper were noted with singles on the 5th and 14th. Starlings were noted in large numbers early in the month with 500 to 600 until the 17th. The largest thrush numbers were 500 Redwing and 1200 Blackbird on the 13th and 1000 Fieldfare on the 5th. Female Black Redstart were reported on the 2nd and 6th, a male at Austrheim on the 13th, and a stable male at Siratun and Sørevågen between the 14th and 19th.

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Black Redstart (Photo: Håkon Heggland)


A female Stonechat was at Austrheim on the 5th, a male in Siradalen on the 7th and one around the west between the 11th and 14th. Grey Wagtails were represented by one to three birds between the 11th and 16th. A stable Richard’s Pipit for three weeks was mainly around Austrheim from the 5th. Nine Twite on Spannholmane on the 12th is a noteworthy record. Crossbill were noted with nine Parrot Crossbill on the 5th and a single on the 17th as well as flocks of Common Crossbill numbering up to 100 early in the month, while five were reported on the 26th. Goldfinch were reported with two on the 13th and a stable single at Siratun/Skare from the 24th till the end of the month. Snow Bunting were noted with one to two birds between the 5th and 11th and 15 on the 12th. A Yellowhammer was at Rabbamarkje on the 13th. Reed Bunting were noted singles at the church on the 1st and at Hauglandhagen on the 12th.

A total of 724 birds of 29 different species were ringed during 16 days of ringing in Merleskogen. The best day was the 13th with 229 birds where Blackbird (158), Starling (27) and Redwing (15) were the most numerous. The month ringing was slightly higher than the previous year when 260 birds of 19th species were ringed during nine days of ringing. Hume’s Warbler and a Waxwing were the most notable ringing records.

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Hume’s Warbler (Photo: Håkon Heggland)

Year ticks:
November resulted in six new birds for the year: Pallid Swift (1st), Buzzard (2nd), Hume’s Warbler (5th), Black Kite (14th), Whooper Swan (16th) and Golden Eagle (20th).

Rarities/local scarcities:
Second record of Black Kite, last in May 2013
Third record of Pallid Swift, last in November 2014
11th record of Hume’s Warbler, last in October 2021