General: coverage and weather
Wet and cold month with 21 days with precipitation. Highest temperature was 7 degC (3rd), and lowest was -3.4 degC (10th). Total precipitation during the month was 205.5mm of which 39.5mm came in one day (23rd). Highest average wind speed and gust were 22.9 and 35.8 m/s (1st). There were seven days with snow coverage, with 18cm of snow on the 11th. Total number of species ended on 56 versus 49 the previous February.
As usual few raptors during February. Sparrowhawk were noted with singles on the 17th and 21st. A Hen Harrier was over Pedlestemmen on the 14th and a Merlin at various locations on the 5th. White-tailed Eagles were noted daily with one to three birds. The local Peregrine Falcon were also seen during the month.
Greylag Goose were noted with only one to two from the 3rd, with six from the 24th until the end of the month. Seven stable Mallard were in Sørevågen from January increased to ten at the north/south to then end of the month.

A stationary Lapwing was outside Småvågene on the 25th till months end, a Woodcock reported on the 12th and a Snipe on the 21st indicates the quality of waders during the month. An early Lesser Black-backed Gull flew over Sørevågen on the 3rd. Single Razorbill were on passage on the 3rd and 4th. There were a few Guillemot on land following storms and others were in the north and south harbours. A Great Northern Diver flew over on the 5th and a another was on the sea inside Beiningen on the 17th. Three Fulmar passed west at Pedlenest on the 3rd.

A pair of Stock Doves arrived at Rabbajordet and later seen in Nordvik on the 22nd and 23rd, with another at Siratun on the 24th.

New Woodpigeon arrived from the 19th, with a maximum of three on the 26th with one still present at the end of the month. The Magpie from January was present throughout the month as were two Carrion Crow.

Blue Tit reached a maximum of 20 and Grest tit with six. A Coal Tit has visited various feeding stations at Skare during the month. 14 Skylark arrived at Pedlestemmen, increasing to 17 the next day.
Wren and Robin were recorded in low numbers with the highest day totals of three and four respectively. Starling were well represented through the month with between 40 and 80 birds and a maximum of 140 on the 24th. There was only one Mistle Thrush, on the 20th. A Mistle Thrush was at Siratun on the 12th and then at Pedlestemmen on the 14th, later at various other localities. A Redwing was reported on the 20th and 21st, Blackbird with a maximum of 25 and three Fieldfare between the 13th and 24th.
Two different male Stonechat were at Myre on the 21st, one of the these still being present the next day, while a male was in Turevågen on the 24th, and a pair at Myre on the 26th. The female Stonechat was present all month.

The female House Sparrow was at Mobakkens feeders all month. Two Meadow Pipit were on Pedlestemmen on the 14th. The female Brambling was also present all month. There was increase in Geenfinch from the 21st with a maximum of 16 on the 26th. A female Mealy Redpoll was was in Hegglandhagen on the 20th and single Snow Bunting were on Pedlestemmen on the 20th and 21st and Jupvikshaugen on the 26th.
No ringing activity during the month.
Year tick’s:
11 new species for the year: Fulmar, Greylag Goose and Lesser Black-backed Gull (3rd), Merlin and Great Northern Diver (5th), Mistle Thrush (12th), Skylark (13th), Snow Bunting (19th), Song Thrush (20th), Stonechat (21st) and Stock Dove (22nd).
Rarities/local scarcities:
No birds in this category to report.