General: coverage and weather
Warmest day with 8.4 degC on the 22nd, and coldest -5.3 degC (6th). Dray and cold with 10 days under freezing point. There was a total of 98.2mm of precipitation during the month, the most in one day 20.5mm (22nd). Highest wind speed was 22.3 m/s (22nd). Strongest gust was 33.3 m/s (24th). There was 9 cm of snow on the 20th and there was snow cover between the 15th and 20th. There were a total of 53 species recorded during the month verses 51 the previous year.
Five different raptor species during the month. Sparrowhawk were noted in low numbers with singles spread over the month. A young Goshawk was hunting in Rabbadalen and the Hen Harrier noted on the last day of December was present until the 6th. White-tailed Eagle were noted with two almost daily, while the local Peregrine Falcons were noted sporadically.

Two Whopper Swan rested briefly in Tuevågen and were later seen in Nordvikvågen later that day (6th). Up to nine Mallard were stable through the month, mainly in Sørevågen. Up to 30 Long-tailed Duck and 40 Eider were present during the month.

A young Water Rail was in the bushes behing Sirahallen between the 16th and 19th during the worst of the snow period. An early Oystercatcher was in Tuevågen and Sørevågen on the 27th.

Two Lapwing were at Klovning on the 6th and three at Rabbajordet on the 24th. Two Curlew were present throughout the month. Woodcock were noted with one to three birds until the 19th. Only one Snipe was noted during the month (3rd).
Kittewake were noted feeding with a maximum of 35 on the 21st as well as single Common gull on the sea and a maximum of seven on 12th. There was some auk passage on the 5th with four Razorbill, two Little Auk and seven Guillemot south. A Gannet was noted on the 12th.

The Woodpigeon from December, mainly in the Herberg area, was present until the 13th.

Woodpigeon (Photo: Håkon Heggland)
Two Great Spotted Woodpecker were reported on the 6th, otherwise singles until the 13th

The year has already been saved according to local birders. Håkon Heggland found a Magpie, which was probably scared by the New Year’s fireworks on the mainland. The bird was found in Hegglandhagen and has since been on the island throughout.

Two Carrion crows have also been present all month. Four Coal Tit were in the Varen-Merkeskogen area on the 13th, otherwise singles around on different bird tables through the month, likewise for Blue tit and Great with up to 15 on various bird tables. A single Shorelark was found on the edge of the road at Rabbadalen during the snowy weather on the 19th. Wren and Robin were noted in low numbers with a maximum of two at various locations through the month. Starling were present with between 40 and 80 birds during the month, with thrushes also in good numbers following snow fall with maximum early in the month. Redwing were noted with a maximum of 40, Blackbird 20 and Fieldfare 15. A female House Sparrow is quite unusual on Utsira. Noted first a Mobakken’s, it was present throughout the month.

A single Meadow Pipit was reported on the 1st while Rock Pipit reached a maximum of 13 on the 12th. Chaffinch were represented with four to five birds in Hegglandhagen and a female Brambling from the 25th until the end of the month. A female Mealy Redpoll was at a bird feeder at Skar on the 17th and a Siskin in Herberg on the 13th.
There was no ringing activity in Merkeskogen during the month.
Year ticks:
The years’ first month recorded 53 species and therefore are all registered as birds new for the year on Utsira.
Rarities/Local scarcities:
Sevent or eighth record of Magpie, last in November 1986.
First January record of Shorelark (and first winter record).