General: coverage and weather

Highest temperature was 19.9 degC (20th) and lowest was 10.1 degC. Total rainfall was 76.7mm. Most rainfall in one day was 19.8mm (11st). Few birds or birders in the field during the month. Total of 56 species noted during the month.

Normally few raptors in July. Only a young White-tailed Eagle was of note, mobbed by crows and gulls on the 2nd.

White-tailed Eagle (Photo: Atle Grimsby)

Five to twelve Greylags during the month. The Whooper Swan from June was present until the 5th.

Whooper Swan (Photo: Håkon Heggland)

18 Common Scoter passed west on the 7th. A Quail was singing in Rabbadalen on the 16th, a Golden Plover over Småvågene on the 6th and a Ringed Plover on Lausingen on the 12th. Whimbrel were noted with singles on the 6th, 9th and 14th. Two adult Knot were on Lasuingen on the 11th.

Knot (Photo: Håkon Heggland)

12 Sanderling were on Spannholmane and Lausingen on the 12th and 13 on Lausingen on the 14th.

Sanderling (Photo: Håkon Heggland)

Nine Dunlin were also there on the 11th as well as nine Purple Sandpiper on the 11th, 11 on the 12th and two on the 14th. A single Little Stint was there on the 14th.

A good season for Common Gull will many young in the colony at Haganeset, with a maximum of 65 on the 21st. Fewer herring gull and Great black-backed Gull young. 60 Great Black Backed Gull were on Spannholmane on the 14th. The same goes ofr Lesser black-bacek Gull. Puffin were noted with a maximum of 25 on the 11th, so ten on the 12th and five on the 14th on Spannholmane.

Puffin (Photo: Håkon Heggland)

110 Guillemot were there on the 11th. Not so much seabird passage with only a Manx Shearwater past Pedleneset on the 7th.

Arctic tern (Photo: Håkon Heggland)


Occasional single swift during the month. Four to seven Collared Dove were present throughout, mainly in the north. Otherwise not much other news in the category. A late (or early) Garden warbler was singing in Helgesenhagen on the 2nd and a Blackcap pair produced young in Herberg.

Only one day of ringing in Merkeskogen during the month. 16 birds of eight species were ringed with Blackcap (4) and Greenfinch (3) being the most numerous.

Of note:
Since June sound recording stations have been placed out for recording bird sound with for stations in Herberg, Duberg, Austre Plantning and Sjoarskogen

Sound recorder (Photo: Atle Grimsby)

Two stations recording of bat sounds have also been placed by the lighthouse and

Bat detector (Photo: Atle Grimsby)