General: coverage and weather
Higest temperature was 20.9 degC and lowest 7.2 degC. Total rainfall of 123.2mm with most in one day being 24.3mm on the 5th. Total of 79 species recorded during the month compared to 105 the previous year. 45 are considered breeders.
No species recorded during the month.
A Whooper Swan arrived in Sørevågen on the 23rd and was present the rest of the month. A female Mallard was noted with three young on Måskittmyr on the 8th. A male Red-breasted Mergnaser was in Tuevågen on the 14th and four Teal were on Pedlstemmen on the 9th.

Golden Plover were regular early in the month with up to six on the 6th. A Ringed Plover was on Spannholmane on the 3rd. The pair of Lapwing were noted until the 15th. One to three Whimbrel were noted during the period. A redshank passed over on the 14th and a Spotted redshank on the 14th and 15th, with a Greenshank on the 16th. Two Ruff were on Rabbajordet on the 17th.

Few terms were noted with a maximum of 20 Arctic Tern on the 3rd, while two Common Tern were noted on the 5th and a single from the 7th to the end of the month in Sørevågen.

15 Kittewake were noted on the 3rd and 25 on passage west on the 6th. A Great Skua was over herberg on the 11th and Måbjør on the13th. Puffin numbers were stable with a maximum of 15 on the 26th on Spannholmane. There were fewer Razorbill with 20 on the 3rd and 27th. Guillemot were noted with eggs on the 3rd with 120 pairs on the 3rd and 70 on the 27th.

A Red-throated Diver was on passage on the 3rd. Five to six pairs of Fulmar were on nests on Beiningen I June with 13 also on passage on the 3rd. Two Manx Shearwater passed west on the 3rd with one on the 6th.

The years counting of seabirds on Spannholame was carried out on the 3rd. Guillemot were ringed with 15new birds receiving GPS-tracking devices while data from 13 earlier marked birds was collected on the 26th and 27th. Encouraging numbers from birds feeding off tobis fish, but lower numbers of Shag. The years counting is published on the councils website: )
One to two Swift were around all month. A Cuckoo was hear singing on the 14th. A Turtle Dove flew from Sjoarskogen and landed by the dump on the 14th. Up to six Collared Dove were present in the north throughout the month.

Carrion Crow were underreported with only one noted at Kvalvik on the 16th. Singing Skylark were on Pedlestemmen and at Koltemyr on the 5th, 14 and 16th. A Sand Martin was at Pedlestemmen on the 15th while two to three House Martin were around Herberg between the 12th and 27th. Two Blyth’s Reed Warbler were around Merkeskogen on the 14th, one of which was ringed the following day.

A Reed Warbler was singing there on the 7th, while a Marsh Warbler was in Veito between the 3rd and 13th, with one in Herberg and another in Merkeskogen on the 14th, the bird in Merkeskogen remaining until the 24th. A young Stonechat was at the north end of Pedlestemmen on the 24th. A Spotted Flycatcher was in Sjoarskogen on the 5th and another at Austre plantning on the 15th. Two male Rosefinch were singing at various locations on the 17th. Four Twite were on Pedleneset on the 6th. Two and seven Crossbill were in Sjoarskogen on the 7th and 14th respectively.

Only three days of ringing. Eight birds were ringed of which a Blyth’s Reed Warbler on the 14th.