General: coverage and weather
Temperature varied between 9.9 degC (3rd) and 0.5 degC (18th). Total of 125.8mm rainfall during the month with a maximum of 21.2mm in one day (24th). Highest wind speed was 24.4 m/s and highest gust was 32.8 m/s (16th). Total number of species ended on 93 versus 70 the previous year.

Few species and low numbers. A Sparrowhawk on the 2nd and other singles at various localities between the 27th and 30th. White-tailed Eagle were reported with one to six birds during the month. A female Merlin was in Herberg on the 2nd and other in Nordvik on the 5th. A young Gyrfalcon was over Varden towards Hovland on the 11th while a second year bird was noted in the west on the 27th. The local Peregrine Falcons were also reported.

Gyrfalcon (Photo: Håkon Heggland)

Stable and large flocks og Greylags during the month with a maximum of 68 on the 18th, and pairing towards the end of the month. Two Pinkfeet and Five White Fronted Geese (albifons) were in Nordvik and Starbarje on the 6th and 7th respectively. A new Pinkfoot was with Greylags at Starabarje on the 25th. The pair of Shelduck (maybe the same as last year) arrived at Småvågene on the 6th, and were stable on Pedlestemmen/Småvågene from the 14th until the end of the month.

Shelduck (Photo: Håkon Heggland)

Six to eight Mallard from February were present until the 8th, later a pair were on Pedlestemmen between the 2nd and 8th, and then three to six from the 22nd until the end of the month. Two Common Scoter were reported on the 27th. A young female Goldeneye was on Måkskitt between the 1st and 3rd and a flyover male at Spannholmane on the 31st. An adult male Goosander was on the sea outside the seawalls in Nordvikvågen on the 15th.

Goldeneye (Photo: Håkon Heggland)

 One to three Golden Plover were reported between the 12st and 29th. An early Ringed Plover passed north at Pedlestemmen on the 2nd. Lapwing reached a maximum of 13 on the 2nd otherwise there were one to eight throughout the month. There was an influx of Woodcock on the 1st with 53 birds but largely absent until the 19th followed by one to three birds until the end of the month. Snipe were also largely absent until the same date with a maximum of eight on the 30th. Three Redshank were still on Spannholmane on the 31st, probably having overwintered. Two Dunlin were enjoying the puddles on Skare on the 1st. 120 Purple Sandpiper were on Spannholmane on the 31st. Black-headed Gull were noted with one to three between the 18th and 29th. The first large influx of Common Gull were 50 passing through Siradalen on the 19th. The first Lesser Black-backed Gull arrived on the 18th, but there was only on to ten until the end of the month. An Iceland Gull was on the sea during the route boat passage on the 3rd.

Three Puffin were on Spannholamne on the 31st. Guillemots were noted sporadically in various harbours and 35 were on Spannholmane on the 31st. Razorbill were on passage on the 1st and 14th, otherwise 30 on the 31st. Red-throated Divers were on passage on the 8th and 27th.

A Long-eared Owl was in Nordre Merkeskogen on the 1st. A Feral Pigeon was in Bombehagen between the 22nd and 24th. There were three Stock Doves on the 2nd, one of which was at Myre until the 7th. Another flyover bird was on the island on the 30th. Woodpigeon were still present in good numbers during the month with a maximum of 240 on the 29th (new max. day total).

The Magpie form January was seen until the 25th. A Jackdaw was in the Skare-Klovning area between the 14th and 23rd. A Rook paid a visit on the 2nd with a new or the same bird present from the 23rd until the end of the month.

Rook (Photo: Håkon Heggland)

 The two Carrion Crow from 2023 were present throughout the month. Two Waxwing were at a feeder in Herberg on the 28th with other singles on the 27th and 29th at various locations. Up to five Coal Tit were present during the month, Blue Tit reaching a maximum of 15 and Great Tit with one to five birds. The number of tits reduced towards the end of the month. Skylark were well represented during the month with a maximum of 120 on the 29th.

Coal Tit (Photo: Håkon Heggland)

 The first Chiffchaff was in Merkeskogen on the 19th, while there a maximum of 35 on the 27th. Blackcap were more conspicuous with one to four between the 27th and 31st. Goldcrest were largely absent until the 19th, while on the 27th there was an influx with 270 birds. Wren were noted only with one to four birds. Treecreeper are uncommon in spring and one was in Merkeskogen the same day as the fall of Goldcrest.

Starling were in good numbers through the month, with a maximum of 100 on the 27th. Song Thrush were noted in moderate numbers until the 19th when 50 were noted and a maximum of 100 on the 29th. Mistle Thrush reached a maximum of 31 on the 29th, a new day record. The best passage of thrushes was on the 18th and 19th, with the latter day producing 1600 Redwing, 2000 Blackbird and 2000 Fieldfare, mostly concentrated in Siradalen. 422 Blackbirds were ringed in Merkeskogen that day. A male Ring Ouzel was present on the 28th, two on the 29th and one on the 31st. There were low numbers of Robin in the middle on the month, while a maximum of 100 were noted on the 27th. A female Black Redstart was in Nordvik on the 30th. There were up to seven different Stonechats on the 2nd, then one to five between the 3rd and 5th and another male in Tuevågen on the 30th and 31st. Wheatear were noted with one to three between the 28th and 31st, mainly from Koltemyr.

The female House Sparrow from January was still in Hegglandhagen the whole month. One to two Dunnock were at Hjemmet from the 2nd, followed by an influx on the island with a maximum of 55 on the 27th. Grey Wagtail were noted with singles at various locations between the 22nd and 30th. Two early White Wagtails were noted on the 1st and 4th, with one to seven, including Pied wagtail from the 23rd until the end of the month.

Hawfinch (Photo: Håkon Heggland)

 Hawfinch were noted with one to five between the 28th and 31st. A Bullfinch was at a feeding station at Skare on the 21st with one to two at various locations between the 26th and 31st. Linnet were reported with one to three on the 29th and 31st., Mealy Redpoll with a bird in Merkeskogen on the 19th, two on the 24th and one on the 27th. A Crossbill was reported on the 20th while single Goldfinch were at various localities on the 28th. Siskin were represented with three between the 28th and 30th. Lapland Bunting were on Pedlestemmen on the 24th and 29th. Yellowhammers were at various locations between the 23rd and 28th including a singing male. Single Reed Bunting were at various place on the 27th and 30th.

A total of 1155 birds of 21 species were ringed in 15 days of ringing in Merkeskogen. The best day was the 19th when 489 birds were ringed of which Blackbird (422), Redwing (22) and Goldcrest (14) were the most numerous. Most notable birds were a Grey Wagtail, a Tree creeper and a Bullfinch. The months ringing was much better than the previous year when 280 birds of 14 species were ringed in 10 days of ringing.

Year ticks:
There were 38 new birds for the year: Goldeneye, Dunlin, Long-eared Owl and White Wagtail (1st), Dunnock, Rook, Ringed Plover and Teal (2nd), Iceland Gull (3rd), Shelduck, White-fronted Goose and Pink-footed Goose (6th), Red-throated diver (8th), Gyrfalcon (11th), Jackdaw (14th). So Goosander (15th), Black-headed Gull 18th), Chiffchaff (19th), Crossbill (20th), Bullfinch and Golden Plover (21st), Grey Wagtail and Feral Pigeon (22nd), Yellowhammer (23rd), Lapland Bunting (24th), Reed Bunting, Treecreeper, Blackcap, Waxwing and Common Scoter (27th), Goldfinch, Hawfinch, Wheatear and Ring Ouzel (28th) Linnet (29th), Black Redstart (30th) and finally Puffin, Purple Sandpiper and redshank (31st).

Rarities/local scarcities:
The Magpie from January still the seventh of eighth record, last in November 1986.